
Science of the Saints, 26 May, Saint Carpus of the Seventy.

The Holy Disciple Carpus from the Seventy was a disciple and companion of the holy Apostle Paul. In the Second Epistle to Timothy, the apostle mentions the name Carpus, at the house of whom in Troias he left a phelon and books (II Tim. 4:13).

Knowing Carpus as a man of virtue and possessing a mind of lofty purity, the Apostle Paul made him bishop of Thracian Bereia. The disciple Carpus went preaching the Gospel to the island of Crete. Here he encountered Saint Dionysius the Areopagite. In his reminiscences Dionysius recounts about a miraculous vision to the disciple Carpus.

The holy disciple Carpus died peacefully at Bereia (according to other histories he received a martyr's end during the persecution under the emperor Nero).

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